A Project Development Cash Program - MT-799 SBLC Monetization Offer

A Project Development Cash Program
MT-799 SBLC Monetization Offer
Euro 100M - 500M SBLC/GB/CD/Tear Sheet MT-799 Monetization Programs

OUR Euro100M - 500M SBLC/BG/CG/T-Sheet MT-799 Monetization Programs
SBLC/BG/CD/Tear Sheet POF Needed -
10% Cash Paid on Instruments Face Value

OUR Own in-house private platform group seeks to identify 5 capital partners. Our group offers 5 capital partners a new monetization platform program to fund project development. Capital partners must own 12-month SBLC/BG/CD/Tear Sheet POF and can Swift MT-799 pre-advice with face value of Euro 100M - 500M. Capital partners must have project(s) to fund in-order to qualify for OUR group monetization program.

This offer is for capital partners with authentic projects to develop who need no-hassle funding and who could be interested in the following:

a)       One-time offer of SBLC/BG/CD/Tear Sheet POF MT-799 project funding platform program to only 5 instrument owners
b)       Receiving a 10% non-recourse payment of the instrument’s face value within 10 banking day of approval to start the project
c)       Receiving additional monthly project development platform funding to complete the project
d)       Not having the 12-month maturity date debt settlement obligation to liquidate
e)       Having both the offered 10% non-recourse upfront project mobilization cash payment in 10 banking days; and additional non-recourse monthly project development platform-generated funds expedited within 20 banking days to finish the project after submission and approval of the required CIS package and requested project paperwork documents
f)        Surrendering of a equity position
g)       Allocating of a small percentage of the development projects’ operating profits to OUR global humanitarian organizations.

The minimum face value of SBLC/BG/CD/Tear Sheet POF MT-799 Swift pre-advice to be accepted in this program is Euro 100M. OUR group offers standard LTV project mobilization funds of 10% of instruments’ face value within 10 banking days after approval. The potential additional project development platform funds that can be made available monthly to instrument owner could be in the high double-digits. Instrument owners must travel to London for the closing in respect to OUR group MT-799 monetization and project funding program.

This new MT-799 instrument monetization project funding platform program was created and designed by OUR OWN PLATFORM group to help stimulate and enhance new domestic/overseas project developments, employment and concurrently increase OUR domestic/overseas reps/ mandates/agents/brokers income earning options and opportunities. - professional brokers needed to find Project Owners seeking funding.for authentic project.